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The 31st Annual Woods Hole Film Festival

      DOCUMENTARY                           families on their journey to better balance care work at   sees the young immigrant battle intense heat, drought,
                                                                                  speeding transport trucks, nature’s wrath and corrupt
                                            home, illustrating how we aren’t really fighting about
                                                                                  border guards on his history-making long ride home.
                                            dishes in the sink, but much bigger societal problems.
      FEATURES                              Jennifer Siebel Newsom,Gretchen Miller • USA • 2022 •   Sean Cisterna • Canada • 2022 • 96 min.
                                            88 min.
                                                                                  Master of Light
                                            Fashion Reimagined
                                                                                  George Anthony Morton is a classical painter who spent
      After Antarctica                      Fashion designer Amy Powney of cult label Mother of   ten years in federal prison for dealing drugs. While
                                                                                  incarcerated, he nurtured his craft and unique artistic
                                            Pearl is a rising star in the London fashion scene. Raised
      After Antarctica follows legendary polar explorer Will   off-the-grid in rural England by activist parents, Amy has   ability. Since his release, he is doing everything he can
      Steger’s lifelong journey as an eyewitness to the great-  always felt uneasy about the devastating environmen-  to defy society’s unlevel playing field and tackle the
      est changes to the polar regions of our planet. Now,   tal impact of her industry. When she wins the coveted   white-dominant art world.
      thirty years after his historic coast-to-coast expedition   Vogue award for the Best Young Designer of the Year,   Rosa Ruth Boesten • USA • 2022 • 88 min.
      across the coldest continent on Earth, Steger heads   which comes with a big cash prize, Amy decides to use   MAU
      out on the ice once again, at a time when he is not only   the money to create a sustainable collection from field
      known for being the first in history to complete these   to finished garment, and transform her entire busi-  Over the span of his career, creative dark horse Bruce
      historic feats - he is also the last.  ness. Over the following three years, her own personal   Mau has completed the transformation from world-
      Tasha Van Zandt • USA • 2021 • 104 min.  revolution becomes the precursor of a much bigger,   class graphic designer to designer of the world. From
                                            societal change.
                                                                                  advising global brands like Coca Cola and Disney, to re-
      The Butterfly in the Sky              Becky Hutner • UK/USA • 2022 • 92 min.  thinking a 1000-year plan for Mecca, Islam’s holiest site
      Reading Rainbow introduced millions of kids to the   Fire of Love           to working with the greatest living architects on books
      wonder and importance of books. Not only did the                            and museums to rebranding nations such as Guatemala
      series insist on having kids speak to kids about their   Katia and Maurice Krafft loved two things — each other   and Denmark, Bruce Mau is a pioneer of transformation
      favorite stories, but Reading Rainbow introduced the   and volcanoes. For two decades, the daring French   design and the belief that design can be used to create
      world to one of the most adored television hosts of all   volcanologist couple roamed the planet, chasing   positive change in our world.
      time in LeVar Burton. In this wonderfully nostalgic look   eruptions, documenting their discoveries. Ultimately,   Jono Bergmann,Benjamin Bergmann • Austria/USA •
      back at the origin story of Reading Rainbow, you’re   they lost their lives in a 1991 volcanic explosion, leaving   2021 • 77 min.
      invited to learn about the foundation of a show that for   a legacy that forever enriched our knowledge of the
      25 years dedicated itself to not only bringing literature   natural world. Director Sara Dosa and the filmmak-  Of Medicine and Miracles
      into children’s lives but delving behind the pages to the   ing team fashion a lyrical celebration of the intrepid   At the age of six, Emily Whitehead was diagnosed with
      people, places, and things each new story explored.  scientists’ spirit of adventure, drawing from the Kraffts’   leukemia and the lives of her and her parents were sud-
                                            spectacular archive.
      Brett Whitcomb,Bradford Thomason • USA • 2022 • 87 min.  Sara Dosa • USA/Canada • 2022 • 94 min.  denly thrust into uncertainty. Through bracingly honest
                                                                                  interviews and home videos, Of Medicine and Miracles
      The Chisels Are Calling               Free Renty: Lanier v. Harvard         details her family’s experience bouncing from hospital
      John Monteleone is one of the world’s greatest guitar                       to hospital, trying to stay hopeful amidst hopelessness,
      builders, and a living artist on permanent exhibition   Tamara Lanier, is an African-American woman deter-  and their fateful correspondence with Dr. Carl June,
      at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Featuring musical   mined to force Harvard University to cede ownership   whose research could hold the key to her survival. But
      tributes and interviews with Mark Knopfler, Ben Harper,   of daguerreotypes of her great-great-great grandfa-  time is of the essence.
      David Grisman, Woody Mann, Julian Lage and others,   ther, an enslaved man named Renty. The images are   Ross Kauffman • USA • 2022 • 96 min.
      the film covers the multi-faceted artist whose guitars   emblematic of the inhumanity of slavery, the racist   On These Grounds
      are known not only for their incredible sound, but also   science that supported it, and the white supremacy that
      for their visually striking and innovative designs.  continues to infect our society today.  A video goes viral, showing a white police officer in
      Trevor Laurence • USA • 2021 • 91 min.  David Grubin • USA • 2021 • 95 min.  South Carolina pull a Black teenager from her school
                                                                                  desk and throw her across the floor. Healer-Activist Vivi-
      A Decent Home                         From the Hood to the Holler           an Anderson uproots her life in New York City to support
      When housing on the lowest rung of the American   Running in the Democratic primary for the U.S. Sen-  the girl and dismantle the system behind the assault at
      dream is being devoured by the wealthiest of the   ate seat held by Mitch McConnell, Charles Booker   Spring Valley, including facing the police officer.
      wealthy, whose dream are we serving? Issues of class   attempts one of the biggest upsets in political history   Garrett Zevgetis • USA • 2021 • 102 min.
      and economic (im)mobility mean many mobile home   by challenging establishment- backed candidate Amy   Ranger
      park residents can’t afford housing anywhere else. They   McGrath. His message is simple: Whether you are from
      are fighting for their homes - and their communities - as   the city “hood” — like Booker — or the Appalachian “hol-  Set within Kenya’s Maasai homeland, an intimate and
      private equity firms and wealthy investors buy up parks,   ler,” you are not invisible.  contemporary story of self-discovery unfolds, as 12
      making sky-high returns on their investments while   Pat McGee • USA • 2022 • 102 min.  women become East Africa’s first all-female anti-
      squeezing every last penny out of the mobile home                           poaching unit. Upending the male-dominated, reliance
      owners who must pay rent for the land they live on.  Girl Talk              upon military-style training to make a wildlife ranger,
      Sara Terry • USA • 2021 • 87 min.     Set in the cutthroat, male-dominated world of high   Virginia, Liz, Momina and Damaris instead undergo a
                                                                                  year-long program of deep trauma-release and healing,
                                            school debate, where tomorrow’s leaders are groomed,
      Bonnie Blue: James Cotton’s Life in the Blues  five girls on a top-ranked Massachusetts high school   triggering profound transformation within themselves
      James “Super Harp” Cotton’s life and musical journey   debate team strive to become the best debaters in   and sending shockwaves through their communities.
      tracks America’s history and his story is one of empow-  the US, reminding us that equal rights and freedom of   Austin J Peck • Kenya • 2021 • 93 min.
      erment during a time when the weight of racial inequity   expression are worth fighting for, both within debate
      made the journey seem impossible. Bonnie Blue –   and beyond.               Scrum
      James Cotton’s Life in the Blues is a unique portrait of   Lucia Small • USA • 2022 • 93 min.  Frank McKinney is the first (and only) Black college
      an era and its impact today. Cotton’s music made his-  The House We Lived In  rugby coach in the U.S. When Frank is hired to build a
      tory; his musical voice was unique, and the blues were                      new rugby team at a predominantly white Southern uni-
      never the same.                       A decade in the making, a young filmmaker confronts   versity, his dream was of bringing diversity to the game
      Bestor Cram • USA • 2022 • 86 min.    addiction, family, and memory as he chronicles his   that he loved was suddenly within reach. Character and
                                            father‘s journey to recover lost memories following a
                                                                                  good grades required. Rugby skills? Optional.
      Do I Need This?                       traumatic brain injury. Using experimental approaches   Thomas Morgan • USA • 2020 • 78 min.
      A filmmaker interweaves her complicated relationship   with projected installations, he attempts to find those   The Territory
      to her possessions with a journey into the homes and   missing memories in hopes of finding the dad he used
      minds of her fellow Americans - from a hoarder to a   to know. As memories return in the form of dreams the   The Uru-eu-wau-wau Indigenous Surveillance Team
      monk and a colorful group of characters in between.  family struggles with acceptance of this new version of   defends their land against a network of Brazilian farmers
                                            their father.
      Kate Schermerhorn • USA • 2022 • 63 min.  Tim O’Donnell • USA • 2022 • 83 min.  intent on colonizing their protected territory. Their fight for
                                                                                  survival forces Bitate and Neidinha - a young Indigenous
      Exposure                              The Lake at the Bottom of the World   leader and his female mentor – to find new ways to pro-
      Against all odds and polar advice, a Muslim chaplain,                       tect the rainforest from the encroaching invaders. Through
      a French biologist, a Qatari princess and eight other   An international team of scientists explores a subgla-  intimate access to both the Indigenous community and
      women from the Arab World and the West attempt to   cial lake buried 3,600 feet beneath the Antarctic ice to   the opposing farmers network, the film brings audiences
      ski across the melting Arctic sea ice to the North Pole.   reveal hidden truths about our planet’s dynamic past. As   directly into the heart of the Amazon rainforest.
      These boundary-breaking adventurers, led by veteran   they struggle against the ferocity of the ice and wind,   Alex Pritz • Brazil/Denmark/USA • 2022 • 83 min.
      polar explorer Felicity Aston, navigate everything from   they consider how our relationship with nature – and
      frostbite and polar bear threats, to sexism and self-  with one another — will impact humanity’s future and
      doubt in an intimate story of resilience, survival and   the future of all life on our rapidly changing planet.
      global citizenry.                     Kathy Kasic • USA • 2022 • 91 min.
      Holly Morris • USA • 2022 • 88 min.   The Long Rider
      Fair Play                             When Filipe Leite leaves his adoptive home of Canada,
      The unequal gendered division of labor in the home has   the aspiring journalist sets out on an epic quest to
      long existed, with modern living only exacerbating the   ride from Calgary to his family’s home in Brazil - and
      stress-filled dynamic between parenthood and work.   later beyond - entirely on horseback. Inspired by Aimé    A Bringing Science to the Screen screening.
      With the global pandemic forcing millions of women   Tschiffely’s 1925 equestrian journey, Filipe’s 8 year odys-   This film/program screens live only.
      out of the workforce, Fair Play follows four different   sey of over 25,000 kms across 12 international borders,
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